Covid-19 Resources


Globally, health professionals are trying to stop the spread of a respiratory disease. This respiratory disease has been named the coronavirus disease 2019 and is abbreviated COvid-19. This poses a great public health risk. The federal, local and other governments across the globe are working closely together with health professionals to address this situation as appropriately as possible. COVID-19 is a disease that can cause mild to severe illness. 

Stay Informed

we're here to help

Our government has authorized the American people to isolate and quarantine themselves to prevent the public from being exposed to people who may have COVID-19.

Isolation: To separate sick people with a quarantinable communicable disease from people who are not sick

Quarantine: To separate and restrict the movement of people who have been exposed to a contagious disease.


Hospitals and Emergency Rooms are being faced with major shortages of ventilators, hospital beds, and medical equipment. We Understand that many people need medical services. To meet the needs of the public and to remain in compliance with the mandates of the government  we are now offering a new way to get the treatment you deserve WITHOUT leaving the comfort of your HOME, Telemedicine!


Caring for patients remotely when the provider and patient are not physically present with each other. Technology now enables doctors to consult patients with the use of HIPAA compliant video- conferencing tools

Myths & Facts

During this time there are is a lot of information of information that is being circulated around. As the coronavirus continues to be followed by the media there is a lot of untruths that has surrounded this topic. Read this article that address some of these myths and conspiracies. Get the facts and stay informed.


1. Spraying Chlorine or alcohol on skin kills viruses in the body

2. Only older adults and young people are at risk